Результаты 1 - 2 из 2.
1. Держатель лопастей Х3 Zeal Blades для Goblin 550-770
...Includes: - Foam Blade Holder x 1pcs Use for : - ZEAL ENERGY 3-Blade Carbon Fiber Main Blades size 550mm to 710mm - Goblin 550 HPS3 to Goblin 770 HPS3...
...Zeal Blades... ...Держатель лопастей Х3 Zeal Blades для Goblin 550-770... |
2. Лопасти ОР Zeal Energy 690mm X3 карбон оранжевые
...Zeal Rotor Blades - Desire Nothing Less; Want Nothing More The new Zeal 690mm blades are now ... difference! With a passion for cutting edge performance, Zeal rotor blades define the intensity you feel ... highest quality carbon fiber layup, Zeal rotor blades are optimized for modern day RC helicopter...
...Zeal Blades... ...Лопасти ОР Zeal Energy 690mm X3 карбон оранжевые... |